Harmful bots acknowledge responsibility for 23% of all web traffic, according to Imperva’s research. They try numerous ways to attack your websites, through leaked passwords entering attempts, outdated software or plugins. These hackers aim to delete all your pages and posts, add toxic content, and even steal important customers’ data. Malicious bots and spams have…
How to Unpublish WordPress Pages, Posts, and the Entire Site
Almost all website owners want to attract high traffic to their sites. Writing quality content, targeting popular long-tail keywords, as well as optimizing both on-site & off-site SEO. You’ve probably done the same too. Still, in some circumstances, you may need to keep users’ eyes off your site. It can be a website in maintenance…
6 Best Plugins and Themes for WordPress Intranets in 2020
Intranets refer to private networks that are exclusive to members within an organization. It’s used as a way to share internal documents and information. Thus, by having an intranet website, companies and organizations will have a place to accommodate project management and communication. WordPress happens to be a popular platform to create an intranet website,…
Hide WordPress Categories
Along with tags, categories prove one of the most effective ways to organize and sort out your related WordPress posts. Visitors can scan through the category and read all related articles easily. The Blog on each website can include multiple categories. However, you sometimes might not want all of them to be shown publicly. The…
Create and Manage WordPress Private Pages
When creating a website, you always want as much traffic coming to your site as possible. To do so, you have to publish content consistently and make sure your pages and posts visible to both search engines and users. So what is the point of making WordPress pages private? Once shielded from the public, how…
4 Ways to Enable WordPress Maintenance Mode (Guest Post)
When implementing big changes to your site’s design and content, or fixing a security issue, it’s necessary to take your site down. To prevent users from seeing a broken website, you should cover it with a maintenance mode page telling visitors why the site is offline and when you expect it to be live again….
Which Pages Should I Noindex or Nofollow?
Many marketers and website owners put a lot of effort into getting their pages ranked well on Google search results. To do that, these pages must be indexed and available on the search engines. However, there are some pages that you need to noindex as they help nothing or simply exist to meet the regulation…
How to Create Passwordless Login for WordPress
Along with hosting companies and backups, passwords also play a vital role in every WordPress site’s security. Many people claim that enforcing users to create a strong and hard-to-guess password helps protect their sites from brute force attacks of bot or hackers. However, it’s not easy for users to set good passwords and keep track…
2 Ways to Protect Partial WordPress Content
Running 34% of the entire internet, WordPress is considered as the biggest Content Management System in the world. You own a WordPress site, then your site is a sitting target of spammers and hackers. That’s why the term “content protection” becomes more and more common. There are a number of solutions that can handle the…
Why and How to Hide a Category in WordPress
WordPress category offers one of the most convenient ways to organize your related posts together. This makes it easier for users to scan through your content. Your website and Blog section will look more professional as well. WordPress, by default, displays all available categories on your blog, homepage, or feeds. In fact, it isn’t always…