Passwordless Authentication

Unlock password protected content without the need for any passwords. Encourage people to share your site or collect user information for marketing purposes.


Grant Access to Protected Content via Contact Form

Require users to fill in a contact form instead of a password form. Users don’t have to remember passwords of any kind to access your private content.

This information can be used to generate more leads for your marketing campaigns.

Use Google reCAPTCHA to Unlock Protected Content

A simple yet efficient method to keep unwanted eyes away from your valuable content.

Once users pass Google reCAPTCHA verification, they will be able to access your protected content immediately.

Integration with Social Media Buttons (WIP)

Lock your content using social buttons encouraging users to engage with your social channel first.

At the moment, these features are only applicable to the whole (individual) page protection, not partial and sitewide ones.

$89 Only $49

All price options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Extensions subject to yearly license for support and updates. View terms.


WordPress: 5.0 or higher
PPWP Lite: or higher
PPWP Pro: or higher
PHP:  5.6 or higher

Extension Details

Developer: BWPS Team
Version: 1.0.0
License: As per your PPWP license

Your extension license is tied to your Password Protect WordPress (PPWP) Pro license. So please use the same email when purchasing PPWP Pro and this extension.