Developer License

A Developer License for Password Protect WordPress Pro allows you to use our plugin on client sites. This also assumes you are the active developer and primary site administrator of the site.

A Developer License is bound to a single developer. Each developer who is actively working with Password Protect WordPress Pro on client sites needs a developer license.

Here’s what you CAN do:

  • Create sites for clients using Password Protect WordPress Pro on their domains. If you intend to build the site and release it to end-users, they will need to purchase their own license at the end of one year.
  • The number of client sites in which you are allowed to use our plugin depends on the (license) plan e.g. Personal, Business, Agency, you purchase.

Here’s what you CANNOT do:

  • Resell the plugin
  • Offer the plugin as part of an advertised package or special offer (e.g. advertising the plugin as part of your giveaway offer)
  • Sell sites and applications using the plugin for less than the cost of multiple domain licenses
  • Use the plugin on multi-user WordPress installations or any other configuration where multiple end-users can access the plugin simultaneously

The developer license is intended to give users the ability to use our Pro plugin to build web applications for third-parties, not as a way to enable third-parties to avoid paying for the plugin.

You will still need our PPWP Pro, together with this Developer license, to use our plugins on your client’s sites.

How to Get Your Developer License

Please use the same email when purchasing your Pro and Developer license.

Get your Developer License now for just $99.9 today only $69.9 yearly

Get It Now

Lasted updated on August 2, 2021